スノーシューツアー/Snowshoe Tour 20.January.2025

1月20日🌤️ (English follows)
午前中にご参加いただいたのは、タイ🇹🇭でスキューバダイビング🤿をされている、カリフォルニア🇺🇸ご出身の男性。「今日は雪の海へのダイビングですね!」と冗談を交えながらスタートしました😄 静かな冬の森を歩きながら、これまで訪れた与那国島🇯🇵やオスロ🇳🇴、スコットランド🏴などのエピソードをたくさんお話しいただき、私もとても楽しい時間を過ごしました!
ガイド: ぬまちゃん
午後は、志賀高原のお宿で働かれている女性がご参加くださいました。お忙しい中、貴重なお休みの日に足を運んでいただき本当に感謝です🙏 偶然にも、大阪🏯出身のガイドがご案内ということで、こちらもお話が弾んでいた様です☺️
ガイド: マサ(岡部)
January 20th 🌤️
On this mild winter day, we welcomed Daikan❄️ (the coldest period of the year in the 24 solar terms) here in Shiga Kogen. With warm sunshine☀️ brightening the snowy landscape, we guided two groups of guests today!
In the morning, we were joined by a gentleman originally from California🇺🇸, who is currently a scuba diver🤿 based in Thailand🇹🇭 “It’s like diving into a sea of snow today!” I joked as we set off😄 As we strolled through the tranquil winter forest, he shared fascinating stories of his travels to places like Yonaguni Island🇯🇵, Oslo🇳🇴, and Scotland🏴 I thoroughly enjoyed the time spent together!
Guide: Yuna
In the afternoon, a lovely lady who works at a local hotel in Shiga Kogen joined our tour. We’re truly grateful she chose to spend her precious day off with us🙏 Coincidentally, another guide on the same tour happened to be from Osaka🏯, and it seemed their shared hometown sparked some lively conversation☺️
Guide: Masa
In this unseasonably warm forest🌲, the gentle sounds of birds and the peaceful atmosphere made for a relaxing experience.
(That said, we’re certainly looking forward to fresh snowfall🌨️ soon!)