
スノーシューツアーに関する重要なお知らせ/Important Notice Regarding Snowshoe Tours



As of December 19th, due to an unusually mild winter nationwide, we are experiencing a shortage of snowfall in our region, and this is no exception to the norm. While the ski slopes in Shiga Kogen have been maintained using snowmaking machines to ensure a skiing area, unfortunately, the natural snow cover in the forest for snowshoeing is insufficient for safe excursions.

We are hopeful for snowfall starting tomorrow, but if there is still insufficient snow during the year-end and New Year holidays, we are considering potential changes or cancellations to some of the planned routes. We sincerely apologize for any concerns this may cause to those who were looking forward to our tours.

We kindly ask for your patience until we receive substantial natural snowfall. We will continue to make every effort to conserve the natural environment, allowing us to guide you on snowshoeing adventures that embrace and connect with nature.

We deeply appreciate your understanding and cooperation, and we look forward to your continued support in the future.