
スノーシューガイドツアー43/Snowshoe Tour report43

February 18th ☀️2℃
Even the high mountains nearing 2000m in elevation did not experience sub-zero temperature🥵 this February!
Under a sky as blue and warm as late March, we were joined by two guests from ancient⛩️ and new capital🗼
In the warm weather, we were able to leisurely stroll on the snow while overlooking the Japan Alps, the Sea of Japan, and the five peaks of the Northern Shinano area🏔️🌊🏔️

標高2000m近い高山でも気温がマイナスにならない2月🥵 まるで3月下旬並みの暖かと広がる青空の下、山頂ツアーにご参加くださったのは、古都⛩️と新都🗼からの2名様。暖かい陽気の中、北アルプス🏔️、日本海🌊、北信五岳🏔️と眼下に見下ろしながら、のんびりと雪上散策ができました☀️

#志賀高原 #ShigaKogen #スノーシュー #Snowshoe