スノーシュー冬の森ツアー/Winter Forest tour Vol.13

大晦日🌨️(English follows)
降り続く大雪☃️の中、森の中を新たな道を切り開きながら進み、時にはお尻滑りや新雪(深雪)ダイブにも挑戦!⛄️ 普段からスキー⛷️やスノーボード🏂を楽しまれているアクティブな皆さんでしたが、スノーシューは今回が初めてとのこと。
ガイド: 中島
New Year’s Eve 🌨️
The final adventure of 2024 🐲 was brought to life by a cheerful and energetic family from Saitama 🍘
Amidst the heavy snowfall ☃️, they forged new paths through the forest, tried some downhill sliding, and even dived into fresh powder snow💨
Though they’re no strangers to active winter sports like skiing ⛷️ and snowboarding 🏂, this was their very first snowshoeing experience✨
We hope they discovered a new side to the magic of mountain 🏔️
We’ve gladly received their smiles😆 as the baton to carry us into 2025 🐍
Wishing everyone a wonderful New Year! 🎍
Guide: Masahiro