スノーシューツアー/Snowshoe Tour 28.January.2025

1月28日 🌤️ (English follows)
4時間⏰ツアーには、ブリスベン🇦🇺からお越しのカップルさんがご参加!今回の旅ではなんと「普通サイズのだるま」を10個も購入されたとか😳 蔵王や阿寒湖でもスノーシューを楽しまれている雪好きなお二人を、遭難必至(!?)の冬のジャングル🌳や池の横断、絶景のパノラマビュースポットなど、グループツアーでは行けない志賀高原のディープスポットにご案内しました!
ガイド: ぬまちゃん
5時間⏳ツアーには、香港🇭🇰からご参加のご夫婦が登場!誰もいない樹氷の森を散策し、雲海を眺めながらのランチタイム🍙 野鳥とも出会い、写真もバッチリ撮れましたね📸 最後は秘密の原生林へお連れし、ふかふかの雪のベッドでリラックスタイム。「ホテルのベッドより快適!」とのお言葉もいただきました!😊
ガイド: シンジ @fotoshinphotography
28th January 🌤️
Today, we hosted two private tours: a 4-hour⏰ tour and a 5-hour⏳ tour! 👏
For the 4-hour⏰ tour, we welcomed a lovely couple from Brisbane🇦🇺, who bought an impressive ten regular-sized daruma dolls during their trip! 😳 Snowshoeing enthusiasts who have explored places like Zao and Lake Akan, they joined us for a unique adventure through Shiga Kogen. We guided them into a winter jungle🌳 where getting lost is a real possibility (don’t worry, we’ve got it covered!), crossed frozen ponds, and visited breathtaking panoramic viewpoints—off-the-beaten-track spots that group tours don’t usually reach!
While they haven’t tried skiing⛷️ yet, they are already seasoned snowshoe enthusiasts💮
Guide: Yuna
On the 5-hour⏳ tour, we had a wonderful couple from Hong Kong🇭🇰 Together, we strolled through a serene snow monster’s forest, enjoyed a relaxing lunch 🍙 with views of a sea of clouds, and captured stunning photos of wild birds we encountered along the way. We ended the tour in a secret primeval forest, where they experienced the ultimate relaxation lying on soft, fluffy snow.❄️ “Even more comfortable than the hotel bed!” they said 😊
Guide: Shinji @fotoshinphotography
Wishing both couples a continued amazing journey!