
スノーシューツアー/Snowshoe Tour, 23 February 2025

2月23日 🌤️ (English follows)

🌲 午前の部 🌲
昨年の暖冬とは打って変わって、今年はたっぷりの雪⛄️ 皆さん雪まみれになりながら、思いきり遊びました!
顔面からのダイブ💨、スリル満点のお尻滑り、雪がつくり出す自然の造形に見入ったり… 今回も「楽しかった!」の声が聞けて何よりです!
ガイド: なかちゃん

🌲 午後の部 🌲
気づけば全員が顔面から雪面ダイブ💨 さらに、急な下り斜面では歩くよりも、ジャンプ!ダッシュ!スライド!の繰り返し🔁 もはや野生に戻っていたのかもしれません。
ラストはティーブレイク🫖 みんなで乾杯したひとときは、粉雪と西陽にきらめいて、とても素敵な時間になりました✨
ガイド: ぬまちゃん


February 23rd 🌤️
A beautiful day in Shiga Kogen with clear blue skies, though light snowflakes occasionally danced in the air🏔️
We ran two Winter Forest Adventure tours today—one in the morning and one in the afternoon 🙌

🌲 Morning Tour 🌲
A returning guest brought along a new friend to join the adventure! (Thank you so much!)
Unlike last year’s mild winter, this season has blessed us with an abundance of snow⛄️ Everyone had a blast, getting completely covered in it!
Face-first dives💨, thrilling sled-like descents, and moments of awe admiring the natural snow formations… It was wonderful to hear everyone say, “That was so much fun!”
Guide: Naka-chan

🌲 Afternoon Tour 🌲
Six guests from Japan and Taiwan🇯🇵🇹🇼 quickly became a team💪, setting off on an exciting expedition🧭
Among them, three lively Kyushu gentlemen stood out with their boundless energy—so much so that we worried they might run out of battery🪫! 🤩
Before we knew it, everyone was diving face-first into the snow💨 On steep slopes, walking turned into a cycle of jumping, dashing, and sliding🔁—they had fully embraced their wild side!
The day wrapped up with a tea break🫖, where we all raised our cups for a toast. The soft powder snow and golden sunlight made for a truly magical moment✨
Guide: Yuna

Another fantastic winter adventure—thank you all!