スノーシューツアー/Snowshoe Tour, 28 February 2025

2月最終日🌤️ (English follows)
青空が広がり、まるで4月のような陽気の中で開催された 楽々山頂ツアー@東館山🏔️!
今回は アメリカ🇺🇸・オランダ🇳🇱・アルゼンチン🇦🇷 からのお客様が参加し、インターナショナルな雰囲気に🌏 さらに、ツアーパンフレット用の撮影で プロカメラマン も同行📸
密林を抜け、雪に埋もれた鳥居⛩️を回り込み、上り坂を越えると 真っ白な雪原ベッド!
モデルを務めてくださったお礼に リンゴかりんとう🍎 と、意外と美味しいと評判の うさぎのうんこ💩 をプレゼント♪
気温の上昇で雪が締まってきたものの、山頂にはまだ ふかふかゾーン がたっぷり残っています!
ガイド: ぬまちゃん
Last Day of February 🌤️
Under a bright blue sky and warm, spring-like weather, we set off on our Easy Summit Tour at Mt. Higashidate🏔️
This time, we welcomed guests from the USA🇺🇸, the Netherlands🇳🇱, and Argentina🇦🇷, creating a truly international vibe🌏 Plus, a professional photographer joined us for our new tour brochure shoot📸
After making our way through the forest, we detoured around a snow-buried torii gate⛩️, climbed the slope, and reached a pristine snowfield!
With the warm weather making us break a sweat, we cooled down before heading to the summit 💪
Along the way, we had fun throwing trekking poles and sliding downhill🙃
Everyone was so quiet and focused while sliding—it was unexpectedly amusing!
After plenty of fun, we enjoyed tea with a stunning view🫖
As a thank-you to our model guests, we treated them to apple karintō🍎 and the surprisingly tasty “Rabbit Droppings”💩 snack!
Finally, on the long downhill run, everyone picked up incredible speed—much to my surprise😳
Racing down the soft, fluffy snow was pure exhilaration!
With temperatures rising, the snow is firming up, but there are still powdery zones at the summit!
Looking forward to the next tour✨
Guide: Yuna