
Here you will find a list of frequently asked questions from visitors to Shiga Kogen and their answers. Someone else’s question may answer yours.


Inquiry Form

Email Address
Phone number
Inquiry details

*If you do not receive a response within 3 days, please contact us again.

Important Notes (Please Read!)

  1. Lost Email Alert
    We aim to reply to your enquiry within 3 working days, but sometimes our emails take an unexpected detour to the junk folder!
    If that happens, please rescue them.
  2. Still No Email?
    If you can’t find our reply, not even in your junk folder, kindly give us a ring instead.
  3. No Reply from You?
    If we don’t hear back from you, we might pop up on WhatsApp to check in – don’t be surprised!

Phone: +81 269 34 2133 (available 8:30am – 4:30pm Japan Time)
Thank you very much for your understanding! 😊