Sanju-san Kannon Historic Trail Trails condition: Closed Trail Level Moderate Distance 5.6km Elevation gain 640m Estimated Time 3h Type of trail - This trail, once part of a bustling ancient route, still carefully preserves thirty-three (Sanju-san) Kannon statues places to ensure travelers’ safety. The downhill path is recommended due to significant elevation changes. Route Map See enlarged mapGPS date download Photo Gallery Red stamp books for the 33 Kannon pilgrimage on the pass Trails List Search Trails conditionWalkableAccess restrictedClosedTrail LevelEasyModerateChallengingDistanceLess than 2km2km - 4km4km - 6km6km - 8kmMore than 8kmElevation gainLess than 100m100m - 300m300m - 500mMore than 500mEstimated TimeLess than 1h1h - 2h2h - 3hMore than 3hType of trailForest Therapy Certification Course Search Reset Trails List